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Expungement Week 2022

AdvisorLaw has dominated the FINRA arbitration environment since being branded the “800-pound gorilla.” We’ve successfully completed more advisor-initiated expungements than the rest of the industry combined. Over the past seven years, our efforts have resulted in the removal of more than 2,100 unjustified disclosures from the CRD, BrokerCheck, IARD, and IAPD records of financial professionals. This year, Doc Kennedy, MBA, …

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Expungement Week 2021

Since being dubbed the “800-pound gorilla,” AdvisorLaw has absolutely dominated the FINRA arbitration landscape. We are responsible for more advisor-initiated expungements than the rest of the entire industry, combined. Over the last six years, we’ve expunged more than 1,800 meritless disclosures from financial professionals’ CRD, BrokerCheck, and IAPD records. Around this time last year, AdvisorLaw was able to use National Expungement Week as a springboard to help …

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Never Settle for Firm Representation During FINRA Arbitration

You have recently been named as a respondent in a FINRA arbitration filed by a customer against you and your firm. What should you do? The answer is simple: hire your own attorney. You might believe that you can get by without your own representation. After all, being represented by the firm’s attorney is less expensive, and the firm appears to be on your side. While that could be true, an inherent conflict exists that’s not always clear, and it boils down to how FINRA’s customer complaint reporting requirements differ for advisors, versus broker-dealers.