What types of disclosures can be expunged from FINRA’s BrokerCheck site?

Did you know that there are more than 25 different types of disclosures that FINRA uses to mark up BrokerCheck records? This week, on “Ask An AdvisorLaw Expert,” we talk with Harris Freedman, J.D., Senior Associate, to learn more about FINRA’s disclosures and how they can be successfully expunged through FINRA’s arbitration proceedings.

Because of the immediacy and ease of locating these disclosures on either BrokerCheck, the CRD, or the IAPD, individual advisors benefit considerably from the expungement of a mark that is tarnishing their name and brand. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.

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There are really as many as 25 different types of disclosures that FINRA can use to mark up your record. Traditionally, we mostly see customer dispute expungements and U5 termination expungements. However, we also handle tax lien expungements, criminal expungements, and also some regulatory expungements. Now, a vast majority of these cases we can handle through FINRA’s Dispute Resolution forum, which is an arbitration forum similar to AAA or JAMS, it’s more of a watered-down court proceeding. We represent financial advisors in all 50 states and we handle upwards of 42% of all expungement matters through FINRA.